The face and neck can be forgotten in their need to be stretched and toned, just like the rest of the body. This effective holistic treatment is a wonderful alternative to cosmetic facials with instant results. The benefits of The Facial Rejuvenation are many, including;
  • Tones, smooths and lifts each area of the face.
  • Reduces wrinkles, puffiness, sagginess
  • Improves complexion
  • Releases tension in the face and body
  • Boosts energy and immunity, by targeting meridian points on face.
  • Activates and drains lymph nodes, enabling body to detox.
  • Helps greatly to assist health problems, including anxiety, depression, migraines, headaches, sinus problems, insomnia.
The treatment takes you on a journey of deep relaxation, renewed energy, clearing and rebalancing of the body’s natural healthy flow, giving you a stress-free healthy glow and a renewed sense of calmness and joy. Through acupressure on the facial meridians (8 of the 12 meridians of the body are on the face), the bodies energy channels are activated. Lifting and smoothing techniques are used to help retrain the facial muscles into healthier relaxed patterns. the treatment finishes with lymphatic drainage and Indian head massage and grounding techniques. It is a facial and energy healing treatment in one and personally one of my favourites from its immediate benefits. Although a difference can be seen after a single treatment, the effects of a course of 4 to 6 treatments consecutively, weekly or bi-weekly work for long-term results of change and give a greater chance for the facial muscles to retrain into new patterns and expressions of health. Aftercare is included in a course of 6 sessions with tips to self-tone and exercise the facial muscles, maintaining your new radiant face.